kalian" yang suka game RTS a.k.a Real Time Strategy, game ini patut di coba. ini sedikit deskripsi nya:
BattleStations: Pacific is the immense sequel to the critically acclaimed Battlestations: Midway. The innovative franchise returns to complete the entire Pacific War with two massive single-player campaigns, the historically based US campaign and a historically possible Japanese campaign.
Players will experience one war through two epic sagas to be a part of history or change it. Commanding the US Fleet, players relive the grandest and most critical naval battles of the Pacific War and for the first time, as the Japanese, players lead the IJN Fleet to a completely different ending to the war.
No other game delivers the challenge of an RTS with the rush of real-time WWII flight and naval warfare. Players need intelligence and expertise to plan their moves in order to remain one step ahead of the opponent. The players command both strategy and action to anticipate every opponent move and turn the tide of war.
Twice the size of the original, the sequel includes 28 major battles, 100 units including 21 new units, five new innovative multi-player modes across eight new multi-player maps, and new features which include island capture, kamikaze attacks, and an improved easy-to-use interface.
- Combined Real-Time Strategy, Flight, and Naval Action gameplay: Command the air, sea, and sub forces. Launch full-scale attacks and at anytime switch to and take full-control of any plane, ship or sub. You command, fly the attack, fire the battleship’s 15-inch guns, and submerge the mini-sub anyway you choose throughout the battle.
- Two Massive Campaigns: 28 full-scale battles across two unique campaigns. The historic American campaign begins after Midway and goes to Guadalcanal, Leyte, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and more. The “what if” Japanese campaign begins at Pearl Harbor and goes to the Java Sea, Port Moresby, Midway, and beyond.
- 100 War Machines: Fighters, bombers, carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, subs, mini subs and more. 17 US planes including the new Corsair fighters and Curtis Helldivers, and 20 Japanese planes including the Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (Thunderbolt), and the night-fighting Nakajima J1N1 Gekko.
- Innovative Online Multi-player Battles: Huge multi-unit battles for up to eight players (four on each side) on Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live. The largest battle involves over 100 units. And five all-new online gameplay modes: Island capture, Duel, Siege, Escort, and Competitive.
Spec yang di butuhkan:
Windows Vista/XP
3Ghz prosessor
1GB RAM (XP) / 2GB RAM (Vista) – 8GB free hard drive space
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